SAM’s early childhood program is comprised of transitional kindergarten (TK) and kindergarten. The goal of this program is to foster the development of social, emotional, and academic skills within a nurturing, Christ-centered environment.
TK: Must be 4 by September 1
Kindergarten: Must be 5 by September 1
*Each incoming student will complete an academic assessment to determine grade-level readiness and ensure that St. Angela Merici is able to meet the individual needs of the student.
Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is designed to prepare our youngest students for elementary school, serving as a bridge between preschool and kindergarten.
The TK curriculum is similar to kindergarten, but modified to be developmentally and age appropriate. It focuses on eight major areas: religion, reading and math readiness, printing, science, art, music and daily life skills, such as manners, outdoor play and cooperative learning. Additional curriculum includes music and physical education.
Unlike preschools, the curriculum of transitional kindergarten uses California’s academic standards to prepare our youngest students for kindergarten. TK is not a child development program or preschool. Reading and math readiness, in addition to other subjects present in our TK classroom, serve as the foundation for academic skills that students will build on throughout their time at SAM. TK also places an emphasis on building social and daily life skills, such as manners, empathy and self-confidence.
Additionally, St. Angela Merici Parish School’s TK teacher is credentialed by the state of California. Preschool or other child development programs are not required to have a credentialed teacher.
Students who are enrolled in TK are given an extra year to develop important skills that are essential for success when they make the transition into traditional kindergarten.
The American Institutes for Research found that after the state of California enacted the Kindergarten Readiness Act in 2010, TK students excelled. Studies revealed that TK students outperformed kindergarten students in the categories of letter word identification, phonological awareness, quantitative concepts and applied problems.
Kindergarten lays the foundation for a successful elementary school experience and establishes a love for learning.
Each month the TK and kindergarten classes come together for special activities designed to create memories, establish a love for school and learning, and embrace this special age. Events include:
*Subject to change
We invite you to join us on campus for a tour of St. Angela Merici Parish School. See firsthand the many opportunities and faith-filled community that your child will experience at SAM! Inquire online or contact us by phone to schedule a visit.